SMTP Settings

SMTP Settings

The SMTP settings is a function needed to be able to send emails, that were created in both Wordpress, and Waiter Dashboard through one email server, so that everything is sent out from the same e-mail.

In order to use these settings, you need to choose in Wordpress through which path the emails will be send.

If it is from reservation diary, all emails will go through our servers and our domain address.

For the SMTP to work, you will need to choose second option: from custom SMTP.

Once this is done and saved you will go to the basic package settings and choose the SMTP section.

You will need to add requested information to the appropriate cells as it is shown later. You can find all settings in your hosting provider, and we will use Mailspons (http://www.mailspons.com) as an example to show.



After you save the settings, you will receive an automatic test message.