Pre-Payment setup

Pre-Payment setup


This page will help you to set up pre-payment mode for the reservation plugin. After the purchase of the pre-payment addon, a new plugin will be delivered to you that needs to be installed.

Pre-payment addon allows collecting specific amounts per reservation based on the number of guests. You can configure the number of guests from which reservation has to be collected. It is possible also to set a specific date and price just for that day. The detailed price setup is described below.

Woo Commerce allows to the setup of various payment methods. Here we will explain how to set up Pay Pal payments.

Replace the ReDi Restaurant Reservation plugin

By the link that we provide after the addon purchase, you will receive a version of the ReDi Restaurant Reservation plugin, that has to be replaced.

Install Pre-Payment addon

Once the pre-payment addon is delivered, please install it the same way as you install any plugin to WordPress and activate it. Similar to Woo Commerce installation that is described below.

Install Woo Commerce

Download plugin

The plugin can be installed by searching for the WooCommerce plugin from WordPress installation or manually.


Open web page
Click on the link "Download Woo Commerce 5.0.0" or higher version

Install plugin to your WordPress

Login to WordPress
Open plugins page

Click Add new

Click on the Upload plugin
Click on Choose File, select downloaded zip file, and click install now.

Activate plugin

Go back to the plugins page, find Woo Commerce plugin, and activate it

You should see now Woo Commerce menu item

Setup Woo Commerce

Add pages

Check that the following 3 pages are created after installation, if not created them and add shortcodes to them

Cart page

Title: Cart

Checkout page

This is important step, if that page is not defined, then order pre-population with provided information will not work, as well as changing button title from “Order” to “Confirm reservation”

Title: Checkout

Thank you page

For thank you page additional plugin needs to be installed GET Params

Title: Thank you for your reservation
Example of URL, last part must be exactly the same as shown: your_page_website_url/reservation-thank-you

Text on the page:

Thank you for your reservation. A confirmation email has been sent to you, should you not receive it, please feel rest assured that your booking has been received and is confirmed. If you wish you may contact us by phone to confirm.

Your reservation id for reference: [display-get-param name="reservation_id"]

Setup price per reservation

Open products page and add new product






Any name



Important, this is the key name to work with plugin



This product to charge separately for kids



Define SKU with date if you have a special event and you need to collect different amount per reservation on that specific day



Any price per reservation



Should be true for this kind of products



Optional product attribute. If number of guests in reservation is less that specified in product, then there will be no prepayment. Add this option if you want to display message informing about pre-payment.




Name of custom field to check



Value of custom field when pre-payment has to be applied




Catalog visibility:



Setup PayPal payments

Go to Settings

Set Enable PayPal standard, enter the title, description, and PayPal email

Setup checkout pages

ReDi Restaurant Reservation plugin setup

For payment, it is often required to collect the first and last name of the person. Therefore this has to be set in the plugin. Set check box on “Collect First and Last name” in Reservation Form settings

Email Template setup

If you choose to send email to the client when he initiate a payment with a link that he can use in case payment fails, please replace text “REPLACE_THIS_TEXT_WITH_A_LINK“ with a link as in example:

[your web site url]/[reservation page]/?action=thankyou&quantity=#PARTY_SIZE#&id=#ID_SHORT#&first_name=#NAME#&phone=#PHONE#&email=#EMAIL#


[your web site url] - your web site link

[reservation page] - page where reservation plugin is displayed