So do you have a program of discounts for repeat holiday customers or for Tuesday lunch reservations? You do? Great! The Discount Add-on is here to help you manage that information reservation by reservation. Information is a daunting task. Why worry about tracking yet another portion of your business when you can employ the Discount Add-on to take charge of this task for you?

The Discount Add-on is flexible, smart and hard working! Plus…it’s never sick or distracted, so it doesn’t forget to add the information to the reservation. Let’s use the example above and say that ever reservation for lunch on Tuesday gets a discount of that’s not every customer, just the ones that make the reservation! As each reservation is made for that time period….the one that you have setup in your system, each reservation will be tagged with the discount and it will also be noted in the comments section of each reservation! Voila! Nothing more is necessary. No coupons to clip, track, staple or carry to the restaurant…less work for you because it’s all set up ahead of time. You know the details even if the customer forgets!

The information about ohter add-ons you can find on this page.