Here you can learn how to customize Email Templates.

If you notice, you can choose notification language at the top. This will be the language of your notification emails. Right now, the following languages are supported:

  1. Czeck

  2. Danish

  3. Deutsch

  4. English

  5. Español

  6. Eesti

  7. Français, check out the video review

  8. Italiano

  9. Magyar

  10. Nederlands

  11. Norwegian

  12. Polski

  13. Português

  14. Türkçe

  15. Slovak

  16. Svenska

  17. Suomi

  18. Русский

  19. עברית (Hebrew)

  20. 日本語 (Japanese)

You just need to select the email template you wish to edit and hit the blue edit button.

Editing the first template

You can edit the Subject and body of the email.

The Edit screen

You can fully customize email templates if you have HTML knowledge. Upon clicking the Source button, you can toggle between rich editor and HTML editor:

HTML view mode

If you don’t have enough HTML knowledge, I highly suggest you just use the rich text editor to customize your email template.

Variables or Tags

The following are the variables or tags.

Variables in the emails

Tags that are enclosed with symbol # will be replaced when the email is created. Feel free to change their positions or completely remove them.

Supported tags:

#ID# - Reservation number

#NAME# - Name of the person that created a reservation

#PHONE# - Person contact phone

#EMAIL# - Person contact email

#START_DATE# - Reservation start date

#START_TIME# - Reservation start time

#END_DATE# - Reservation end date

#END_TIME# - Reservation end time

#COMMENTS# - Comments

#PARTY_SIZE# - Number of guests

#PARTY_SIZE_SHORT# - Number of guests without any text

#PLACE# - Restaurant name with address

Be careful when editing email templates, especially in HTML view. If ever you wanted to revert to default, you can easily do so by clicking the “revert to default” button at the bottom of the editor.